Obtain insurance through a Broker, as Insurers urged to be more transparent on home insurance premiums
Home Insurance Premiums | Home Insurance Quotes Home Insurance companies have been urged to be more transparent on home insurance premiums, as research found that insurers can charge up to $1,700 more than each other for home and contents policies for identical properties. The industry countered that the variations in premiums were due to different types of coverage and reflects healthy competition. According to research by the Emergency Services Levy Insurance Monitor, which surveyed premiums across 11 suburbs, “basic home and content policies” between insurers vary at an average of $1,100, Sydney Morning Herald reported. In Medlow Bath, GIO made the highest quote at $2,794 - two-and-a-half times more than the lowest direct to the market quote of $1,106 from Coles. Interestingly, and much to the surprise of many consumers, customers who had used a broker were actually paying even lower, with premiums under $1,000.00 from Allianz, Calliden and QBE Home Insura...